Leading up to Game 8: Thoughts and Links
Went on a newspaper buying spree today to look at everyone's Sox-Yankees coverage in print.
I was stunned at how flat the New York Daily News' print coverage was. They had a fun cartoony back cover, but after that there were just two stories. They had more midweek NFL coverage. They have the nerve to include a red block that says voted N.Y.'s No. 1 sports section. Which begs the obvious question: By who? Barely worth the two quarters it cost me.
New York Times stuff looked nice although I wish more of my edition was in color. The boxing gloves were a good, but simple graphic. It would make a pretty good T-Shirt actually.
The New York Post has a ton of good stuff, many of which is linked below. Homer George King is not surprisingly pro-Yankees. In his watchup breakdowns he completely ignores the presence of Dave Roberts when ranking the benches. Of the eight Post staffers picking the outcome, it was an even split.
The Herald's coverage is similar to the posts, although it feels a little more balanced to me, which means it might be pro-Sox.
The Hartford Courant's "Touching all the Bases" spread highlighted an otherwise unspectacular section.
The Globe's section is the most complete. They didn't do anything surprising, but their standard was very good.
Jon Heyman on what could ahve been with A-Rod
Shaun Powell on Jerry Colangelo's role in all of this
Shaughnessy on the rivalry, including this Schilling quote:
As much as the people in the stands in both cities dislike each other, they're exactly alike. There's just so much history here. You can make a name for yourself in one game, one inning, one pitch. I want to do something that hasn't been done in almost a century." Schilling
Bob Ryan says this is game eight.
Bill Reynolds says its time
John Powers has rivalry history.
Mike Vaccaro on Baseball going on despite Rivera's tragedy. Should be noted, I didn't realize who good Vaccaro was until I started reading the Post's playoff coverage.
Ian O'Connor
Kevin Kernan said these Yankees don't want it to be the ones to lose to the Red Sox.
Mike Morrissey on Johnny Damon, although Morrissey's better Pedro-Schilling story isn't avaiable on-line.
Wetzel on the rivalry.
Bill Simmons is off the deep end.
McAdam says Sox are five outs better than last year.
George Vescey writes about a new twist in the same story.
Murray Chass writes about Curse Killing with Curt Schilling.
Washington Heights is rooting for Manny.
Friend of the Blog/New York Post contributor Jason Carpenter had a fun piece on an Interrivalry couple.
Finally... Does anyone else see a Mike Torrez-Ramiro Mendoza parallel?
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