Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Will Red Sox fans yell "1917" at the White Sox? Just wondering...

Mark Sauer has a handwriting expert analyze the Padres autographs. This seems a little like a late July story to me than a playoff preview, but I thought it was interesting.

I'm not going to try to repeat last year's posting of just about every story that came out of the baseball playoffs. I'll still post my favorites, but I'm going to limit the volume. Instead I'm going to start by including where to find these stories yourself:

BOSTON: Boston Sports Media Watch has links to all the local stories. The Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and the Providence Journal all have great daily coverage. The Herald's Sox Blog is always worth a read too.

CHICAGO: The Tribune and the Sun-Times.

LOS ANGELES: The LA Times, and the Orange County Register.

NEW YORK: The Times, The Post, The Daily News, Newsday.

HOUSTON: The Chronicle.

ST. LOUIS: The Post Dispatch.

SAN DIEGO: The Union-Tribune.


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