Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Spring training, dog show, lockout

I'll be hunting for more NHL cancelation stuff tomorrow, specifically for stories that look at the future of the league and the game etc. If readers have some to suggest please forward them to me.

For hockey fans that can't wait, check out this piece by Michael Farber. He's clearly been ready for this decision and wrote a well-researched and thought-out story.

The Boston Globe, which had a good overall sports section today had this story on the lockout's damage to the Quebec economy. It appears that Bob Hohler has taken on Joe Burris' old role at the Globe.

The Globe has a Stan Grossfield story on Red Sox fantasy camp and Gordon Edes on Pedro.

Jeff Jacobs did a nice column on Providence star Ryan Gomes.

Dave Albee had fun writing this column about Steve Lavin's hair. There's enough puns in here to call him a poor man's Marty Dobrow. The link came from the college basketball blog which has become a daily read.

Its the time of year people are writing Tom Brennan stories. I'll read all of them.

These sort of columns almost always flop, but I enjoyed this one. The Seattle PI's Jim Moore's dog wrote about the Westminster Dog Show.


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