Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Good Reads: Including more swimming

The swimming community ought to send Bill Plaschke a giant thank you note. The work he's done from the trials has made their usually boring sport interesting. The latest is on the eminently likeable Gary Hall Jr.

Did Mike Piazza tip off the American League hitters to what pitches were coming? Thomas Boswell said it's not out of the question. He's clearly not a Clemens fan, which makes for fun reading.

Dan Shaugnessy isn't terribly kind to Clemens either with similar pitch-tipping insinuation. Imagine if Will McDonough was here to fire off his Texas con-man stuff.

Perfect time for a quick nod to Casey Kane's favorite movie.

[Mechanized bull noises in background] Crash Davis: Well, he really hit the shit outta that one, didn't he?
[laughs] Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: [softly, infuriated] I held it like an egg.
Crash Davis: Yeah, and he scrambled the son of a bitch. Look at that, he hit the fucking bull! Guy gets a free steak!
[laughs] Crash Davis: You having fun yet?
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: Oh, yeah. Havin' a blast.
Crash Davis: Good.
[Pause] Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: God, that sucker teed off on that like he knew I was gonna throw a fastball!
Crash Davis: He did know.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: How?
Crash Davis: I told him.

Wetzel on Shaq.

Stolen from
Bob Klapisch has a good idea.

I don't know if this Stephen A. Smith column is good (okay it's pretty good) cause I'm having too much fun reading it out loud and trying to imitate the way he talks (yells) on TV.

Tom Powers says that Minnesota doesn't deserve the Twins. The column includes this great truism:

It's like my father explained to me when I was very young: "People are stupid."


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